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Stratford, Ontario
Stratford, Ontario city streets:
Albert Street
Easson Street
Arden Park
East Gore Street
Argyle Street
Egan Circle
Arthur Street
Elgin Crescent
Ash Street
Elizabeth Street
Avon Street
Elm Street
Avoncrest Drive
Embro Road
Avondale Avenue
Erie Street
Avonwood Drive
Fairfield Drive
Baker Street
Fern Street
Ballantyne Avenue
Findlay Place
Barron Street
Forman Avenue
Battershall Court
Franklin Drive
Bay Street
Fraser Drive
Bedford Drive
Frederick Street
Bell Court
Freeland Drive
Birmingham Street
Front Street
Blake Street
Galt Road
Borden Street
Gemmell Court
Boyd Street
George Street East
Bradshaw Drive
Glastonbury Crescent
Braemar Crescent
Glastonbury Drive
Brant Street
Glendon Road
Brett Street
Gordon Street
Briarhill Drive
Graff Avenue
Britannia Street
Graham Crescent
Brown Street
Grange Street
Bruce Street
Grant Street
Brunswick Street
Greenberg Place
Brydges Street
Greenwood Drive
Buckingham Drive
Griffith Road
Burnham Court
Griffith Road West
Burritt Street
Guelph Street
C H Meier Boulevard
Haig Street
Caledonia Street
Hamilton Street
Cambria Street
Harrison Street
Campbell Court
Hibernia Street
Cawston Street
Hickory Lane
Centre Street
Home Street
Charles Street
Humber Street
Chestnut Street
Huntingdon Avenue
Christopher Plummer Drive
Hyde Road
Church Street
Inverness Street
Churchill Circle
James Street
Cluff Court
Jarvis Street
Cobourg Lane
John Street North
Cobourg Street
John Street South
Cody Drive
Jones Street
College Street
Kemp Crescent
Corcoran Street
King Street
Crane Avenue
Lakeside Drive
Crawford Street
Lakeside Drive North
Crooks Street
Laurier Street
Daly Avenue
Lightbourne Avenue
Dannecker Road
Linden Court
Davidson Drive
Little Thames Place
Dawson Street
Long Drive
Delamare Avenue
Lorne Avenue East
Demille Street
Lorne Avenue West
Devon Street
Louise Street
Diana Court
Magwood Court
Dickens Place
Makins Street
Dingman Place
Manning Avenue
Dixon Road
Maple Avenue
Dorland Drive
Martin Street
Douglas Street
Matilda Street
Douro Street
Mayberry Place
Dover Street
McCann Drive
Downie Street
McCarthy Road
Dufferin Street
McCulloch Street
Duke Street
McDonald Street
Dunlop Place
McFarlane Street
Dunn Road
McGregor Street
Eagle Drive
McKenzie Street
Earl Street
McLagan Drive